Basics for Small Drinking Water Systems (O.Reg. 319/08) – CEU: 0.7

Course Overview

This course reviews the basic duties and responsibilities of small drinking water system owners and operators under Ontario Regulation 319/08.
Participants will learn about disinfecting water with a UV light, along with the operational and maintenance requirements of the equipment. Monitoring and responding to water quality issues through reporting and corrective actions will also be reviewed.
NOTE: Course content is intended for single connection systems with a groundwater source and no requirement for chlorine disinfection. For small systems using chlorine and requirements for secondary disinfection, please refer to Advanced for Small Drinking Water Systems (O. Reg. 319/08).

By the end of this session, participants will have gained an understanding of:
• Small drinking water system duties and responsibilities
• Knowledge of source water protection and maintenance requirements
• Describe disinfection of drinking water and operation of a UV light
• Perform common maintenance and routine checks required for a UV light
• Responding to potential drinking water quality issues

Target Audience

This course is geared to owners and operators of small drinking water systems under Ontario Regulation 319/08 with a single connection and no requirement for chlorine disinfection.

Delivery Methods Possible

Classroom, On Site

Visit our course registration page for our upcoming course schedule!