Emerging Issues: Cyanobacterial Toxins, Disinfection By-Products and Pathogens – CEU: 0.7

Course Overview

This course provides details on some of the most recent issues facing drinking water systems. The detection of toxins associated with cyanobacterial blooms are discussed, as well as disinfection by-products and emerging pathogens. These three topics are discussed from an operation perspective, and include suggestions for treatments and modifications to treatment processes that may help to minimize issues.

Participants will also learn about newly discovered routes of exposure to pathogens and recently discovered pathogens that pose a threat to drinking water.

Discussions will include current and proposed regulatory information along with proposed treatment techniques.

Target Audience

This advanced course is primarily designed for the more senior drinking water treatment operators (Class II through IV), but will be of benefit to all water treatment professionals, engineers and inspectors. (not recommended for systems using groundwater)

Delivery Methods Possible

Classroom, On Site, Virtual

Visit our course registration page to view our current course schedule!