Course Overview
The objective of this course is to help operators of small drinking water systems learn the basic principles of drinking water supply and treatment in order to operate and maintain their small systems efficiently and effectively.
• Review drinking water regulations for small systems & operators
• Discuss sources of pollution & chemical characteristics of drinking water
• Identify well & surface water equipment considerations
• Review general requirements & troubleshooting techniques for water treatment and disinfection equipment
• Discuss sampling requirements & operation checks
• Cover how to respond to adverse test results & observations, including reporting & corrective actions
• Identify safety considerations for small system drinking water operations
Target Audience
This course meets the training requirements as a “trained person” as identified in O. Reg. 170/03. In addition, this course is a requirement for persons wishing to obtain a Limited System Certificate under O. Reg. 128/04.
Delivery Methods Possible
Classroom, On Site, Correspondence, Online
Visit our course registration page for our upcoming course schedule!