2021 Annual Reports on Drinking Water in Ontario

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The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), along with the Ministry of Health and many partners and stakeholders, share a commitment to excellence in helping to ensure the continued safety of Ontario’s drinking water. This year’s performance results can be viewed in the reports below.

Read an overview of the MECP programs, policies and initiatives to protect drinking water in Ontario:

Minister’s annual report on drinking water (2021)

Learn about the performance of our regulated drinking water systems and laboratories, drinking water test results, and enforcement activities and programs:

Chief Drinking Water Inspector annual report (2020-2021)

For more information, view our post on Ontario’s Drinking Water Quality and Enforcement dataset which contains information about the drinking water systems, laboratories and facilities the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is responsible for monitoring to ensure compliance with Ontario’s drinking water laws.

Visit our online library’s main webpage to find more resources on topics related to drinking water or view these similar posts.

Regulatory Resources for Ontario Systems