The Drinking Water Quality Management (DWQMS) Provincial Workshop is a WCWC course held annually to provide DWQMS representatives with an opportunity to share and discuss their experiences. This forum allows them to share best practices and solutions for challenges encountered during implementation or continued maintenance of a quality management system. The program consists of different facilitators leading sessions on a variety of topics tying into a common theme.
Workshop Presentations
- Cyber Security/Risk Assessment & Climate Change facilitated by Ted Joynt
- DWQMS 3.0 – facilitated by Janine DeBoer. Read the breakout session notes.
- Lessons Learned from Challenges Presented Since 2020 – facilitated by Brigitte Roth. Read the breakout session notes or Read examples of audits from 2022.
- Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approvals – facilitated by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
- Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program updates – facilitated by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
- FAQ with the Ministry – facilitated by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.
- Preparing for an Audit and Addressing Non-Conformances – facilitated by Marco Brunato & Anastasia Hryciw de Reijke.
- Roles, Responsibilities & Best Management Practices – facilitated by Tony Santos and Phil Emon.
Supporting Documents
Visit our online library’s main webpage to find more resources on topics related to drinking water.