Legionella & Legionnaires’ Disease (Legionellosis)

Close up image of Legionella

Legionella & Legionnaires’ Disease (Legionellosis)

Legionella is a naturally occurring waterborne bacteria that can be found in building water systems such as water storage containers or pipes. Exposure normally occurs when contaminated water is aerosolized and inhaled into the lungs.

This collection provides information on the risks posed by legionella to water systems and the preventative management, standards and sampling/testing of the bacteria in building water systems. Health information and outbreak case studies for Legionnaire’s Disease (Legionellosis) and Pontiac Fever are included.

Visit our online library’s main webpage to find more resources on topics related to drinking water.

Information on Legionnaires’ Disease (Legionellosis) & Pontiac Fever

CDC Toolkits

Prevention with Building Water Management Programs

Photos of Cooling Towerspdf icPreventing Legionnaires’ Disease: A Training on Legionella Water Management Progr

Extended Shut-Down and Reduced Occupancy Procedures for Building Water Management

Sampling & Testing Kits

Standards, Codes & By-laws

Online Training Modules

Surveillance Data & Outbreak Investigation


View these similar posts on the WCWC online library for more information.

Managing Legionella Risk in Buildings Through Water Safety Management Planning Seminar

Safe Drinking Water: Lessons from Outbreaks Course Resources

Responsibilities Under the Statuary Standard of Care – Safe Drinking Water Act Course Resources

Photo from https://ncceh.ca/environmental-health-in-canada/health-agency-projects/legionella