Small Systems Webinar Series

‘The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) Office of Research and Development and Office of Water host this webinar series to communicate the latest information on solutions for challenges facing small drinking water systems (USEPA, 2022).’

Free drinking water-focused webinars typically held on the last Tuesday of the month from 2:00-3:00 pm ET.

Visit our online library’s main webpage to find more resources on topics related to drinking water.

Past Webinar Recordings 
Date Topic and Presenter(s)
June 28, 2022 Water Security 
Presenters: Lauren Wisniewski, Gabrielle Minton and Dallas Shattuck, EPA-OW
May 24, 2022 Lead Service Lines
Presenters: Simoni Triantafyllidou, EPA-ORD, and Dallas Shattuck, EPA-OW
April 26, 2022 Source Water Protection and Harmful Algal Blooms
Presenters: Jorge Santo Domingo, EPA-ORD, Terrell Tiendrebogo and April Byre, EPA-OW
February 22, 2022 Very Small Drinking Water Systems
Presenters:  Fran Kremer and Alexander Hall, EPA-ORD, and Daniel Williams and Page Jordan, EPA-ORD
August 30 -September 2, 2021 18th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop (Virtual)
Held in partnership with the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA), this virtual workshop provided in-depth information and training on solutions and strategies for handling small drinking water system challenges with a focus on monitoring, distribution, source, and treatment topics. Recordings of technical and in-depth training sessions are available.
July 27, 2021 Drinking Water Microbes 102
Presenters: Laura BoczekEPA-ORD, and Jennifer Best, EPA-OW 
May 25, 2021 Harmful Algal Blooms and Algal Toxins
Presenters: Anna Boegehold, EPA-ORD and Kari Salis, Oregon Health Authority
April 27, 2021 Very Small Systems
Presenters: David Goldbloom-Helzner, EPA-OW and Nate Karp, Eric Freihammer, and Ernie Jorgensen, Minnesota Department of Health
March 30, 2021 Disinfection Byproducts Control
Presenters: David Wahman, EPA-ORD and Matthew Alexander, EPA-OW
February 23, 2021 Lead and Copper
Presenters: Lisa Christ, Ann Lausier, and Iliriana Mushkolaj, EPA-OW and Simoni Triantafyllidou and Darren Lytle, EPA-ORD
November 17, 2020 AWIA and Creating Resilient Water Utilities
Presenters: Charlene Kormondy and Curt Baranowski, EPA-OW
October 27, 2020 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts
Presenters: David G. Wahman, EPA-ORD and José Rodriguez and James Brown, EPA Region 6
September 29, 2020 Wildfires and Resulting Impacts to Water Bodies Used as Drinking Water Sources
Presenters: Alex Chow and Tanju Karanfil, Clemson University and Joseph Kasprzyk and Fernando Rosario-Ortiz, University of Colorado Boulder
August 31-September 1, 2020 17th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop (Virtual)
Held in partnership with the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA), this virtual workshop provided in-depth information and training on solutions and strategies for handling small drinking water system challenges with a focus on monitoring, distribution, source, and treatment topics. Recordings of technical and in-depth training sessions are available.
July 28, 2020 AWIA Risk and Resilience Check List and AWIA Lessons Learned
Presenters: Lauren Wisniewski, EPA-OW and Chris Wells, RCAP
May 19, 2020 Drinking Water Microbes 101
Presenters: Laura Boczek, EPA-ORD and Jennifer Best EPA-OW
March 31, 2020 Drinking Water Regulations 101 and Best Practices for Training Utilities
Presenters: Ryan Albert, EPA-OW and Sherry Loos, Great Lakes Community Action Partnership
February 25, 2020 Drinking Water Tools for Small Systems
Presenters: Edward Moriarty, Matt Reed, and Sarah Bradbury, EPA-OW
January 28, 2020 Legionella Management and Treatment
Presenters: Ken Rotert, EPA-OW and Maura Donohue, EPA-ORD
November 19, 2019 Risk Assessments, Emergency Response, and Resiliency
Presenters: Nushat Dyson and Chrissy Dangel, EPA-OW
October 29, 2019 Funding Opportunities: Farm Bill and Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant Program
Presenters: Dallas Shattuck and Alyssa Edwards, EPA-OW
September 25, 2019 Session 8A: Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs)                                                                                                                                                                                          Live Broadcast from the 16th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop Presenters: Brooke Porter and Alison Dugan, EPA-OW and Carleigh Samson, Corona Environmental Consulting
September 24, 2019
August 27, 2019 Increasing Analytical Laboratory Preparedness
Presenters: Heather Arvanaghi, EPA Region 3 and George Gardenier, EPA-OW
June 25, 2019 Sanitary Surveys
Presenters: Deborah Vacs Renwick, EPA-OW and Lucio Ternieden, Indiana Department of Environmental Management
May 21, 2019 Harmful Algal Blooms and Algal Toxin Treatment
Presenters: Nicholas Dugan and Joel Allen, EPA-ORD
April 30, 2019 Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Rule and Simultaneous Compliance
Presenters: Brooke Porter, James Hogan, and Michael Finn, EPA-OW
March 26, 2019 Lead Management in Homes and Buildings
Presenters: Mike Desantis, Jennifer Tully, and Michelle Latham, EPA-ORD
February 26, 2019 Treatment Technologies for Removing Chemicals of Concern
Presenters: Thomas Speth, EPA-ORD and Brian Bernados, California EPA
November 27, 2018 Tribal and Very Small Systems
Presenters: Marleah Makpiaq LaBelle, National Tribal Water Center and Craig Patterson, EPA-ORD
September 25, 2018 Droughts and Flooding
Presenter: Jeff Fencil, EPA-OW
August 29, 2018
  • Session 9A: Pathogens and Biofilm
    Live Broadcast from the 15th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop Presenters: Janet Stout, Special Pathogens Laboratory and Helen Buse and Jay Garland, EPA-ORD
August 28, 2018
July 31, 2018 Tank Management/Distribution System Optimization
Presenters: Darren Lytle, and Jonathan Burkhardt, EPA-ORD
June 26, 2018 Source Water Protection 101 and Collaboration
Presenters: Kara Goodwin and Bo Williams, EPA-OW and Kim Swan, Clackamas River Water Providers
June 5, 2018 Conventional Treatment Options for Harmful Algal Blooms
Presenters: Tom Waters, EPA-OW and Nick Dugan, EPA-ORD
April 24, 2018 Simultaneous Compliance: Considerations for Adjusting Treatment
Presenters: Thomas Sorg, EPA-ORD and Michael Finn, EPA-OW
March 27, 2018 Water Security and Resiliency: Emergency Response
Presenters: Latisha Mapp, EPA-OW and Sarah Taft, EPA-ORD
February 27, 2018 Small Systems Funding
Presenters: Nick Chamberlain, EPA-OW and Cheryl Francis and Steve Saulnier, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
January 30, 2018 Alternative Disinfection: Dichlor & Trichlor
Presenters: David Wahman, EPA-ORD and Ying-Ying Macauley, Utah Department of Environmental Quality
December 12, 2017 State Acceptance of UV Disinfection Technologies
Presenters: Derek Losh, EPA-OW and Jeffrey Adams, EPA-ORD
November 28, 2017 Lead in Schools and Selecting Lead Free Plumbing Products
Presenters: Victoria Banks, EPA-OW and Michelle Latham, EPA-ORD
September 26, 2017 Decision Support Methodology for Small Systems to Evaluate and Select Treatment Technologies
Presenters: Chad Seidel and Pablo Cornejo, California State University-Chico
August 29, 2017 Treatment and Control for Manganese and Iron
Presenters: Lili Wang, EPA-OW and Darren Lytle, EPA-ORD
July 25, 2017 Water Loss and Distribution System Infrastructure: Leak Detection and Cost Savings
Presenters: John Brutz, FlowNetworx and John C. Matthews, Louisiana Tech University
June 27, 2017 Harmful Algal Blooms: Treatment, Risk Communications Toolbox, and Management Plans
Presenters: Nicholas Dugan, EPA-ORD and Hannah Holsinger, EPA-OW
May 30, 2017 Water Systems Partnerships
Presenters: Ellen Tariquinio, EPA-OW and Chad Fisher, California EPA
April 25, 2017 Water Security and Resiliency: Framework, Models, and Tools
Presenters: Jeffrey Fencil, EPA-OW and Regan Murray, EPA-ORD
March 28, 2017 Source Water Protection: Resources, Analytical Tools, and Ecological and Economic Modeling
Presenters: James Williams, EPA-OW and James Price, Matt Heberling, and Chris Nietch, EPA-ORD
February 28, 2017 Removal of Inorganic Contaminants of Interest: Strontium and Nitrates
Presenters: Darren Lytle, EPA-ORD and Eugene Leung, California EPA
January 31, 2017 Disinfection Residuals
Presenters: Jonathan Pressman, EPA-ORD and Matthew Alexander, EPA-OW
December 13, 2016 Approaches to Technology Approval
Presenters: Steve Wilson, University of Illinois WINSSS Center and Bill Hogrewe, Rural Community Assistance Partnership-DeRisk Center
October 25, 2016 Legionella Control in Large Building Water Systems
Presenters: César Cordero, EPA-OW and Jessica Smith, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
September 27, 2016 Perfluorinated Chemicals: Analytics, Occurrence, and Treatment
Presenters: Thomas Speth, Jody Shoemaker, and Marc Mills, EPA-ORD
August 30, 2016 Removal of Multiple Contaminants: Biological Treatment and Ion Exchange
Presenters: Treavor Boyer, Arizona State University and Nicholas Dugan, EPA-ORD
July 26, 2016 Lead and Copper: Sampling and Water Quality Challenges
Presenters: Edward Viveiros, EPA-OW and Darren Lytle, EPA-ORD
June 14, 2016 Disinfection Byproducts: Regulatory Issues and Solutions
Presenters: Michael Finn, EPA-OW and Jolyn Leslie, Washington State Department of Health
May 31, 2016 Responding to Harmful Algal Blooms, Optimization Guidelines, and Sampling for Utilities
Presenters: Nicholas Dugan, EPA-ORD and Heather Raymond, Ohio EPA
March 29, 2016 Point of Use/Point of Entry (POU/POE) Treatment Devices
Presenters: Craig Patterson, EPA-ORD and Cynthia Klevens, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
February 23, 2016 Consumer Confidence Reports: Electronic Delivery and Best Practices
Presenters: Jamie Harris and Adrienne Harris, EPA-OW
February 2, 2016 Uranium Standards in Drinking Water and Removal Technologies Research at Small Community Water Systems
Presenters: Samuel Hernandez, EPA-OW and Thomas Sorg, EPA-ORD
December 15, 2015 Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water
Presenters: Michael Schock and Michelle Latham, EPA-ORD
November 24, 2015 Treatability Database, Cost Models, and Other Tools for Water Systems
Presenters: Thomas Speth and David Wahman, EPA-ORD
October 27, 2015 Decentralized High-Rate Wastewater Treatment of Peak Wet Weather Flows
Presenters: Kevin Weiss, EPA-OW and Daniel Murray, EPA-ORD
September 29, 2015 UV Disinfections Systems – Treatment of Groundwater for Small/Medium Sized Water Utilities
Presenters: Michael Finn, EPA-OW and Jeffrey Adams EPA’s Office of Research and Development
August 18, 2015 Distribution Operation Options for Small Systems to Address Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs)
Presenters: Jonathan Pressman, EPA-ORD and Alison Dugan, EPA-OW
July 28, 2015 Corrosion Control for Drinking Water Systems
Presenters: Michael Schock, EPA-ORD and Brian D’Amico, EPA-OW
June 30, 2015 Biological and Microbial Aspects of Septic System Pollution
Presenters: Orin Shanks, EPA-ORD and Alfonso Blanco, EPA-OW
May 26, 2015 Current Water Treatment and Distribution System Optimization for Cyanotoxins
Presenters: Lili Wang, EPA-OW and Nicholas Dugan, EPA-ORD
April 28, 2015 Understanding End Water Quality in Hospitals and Other Large Buildings
Presenters: Presenters: César Cordero, EPA-OW and Mark Rodgers, EPA-ORD
March 31, 2015 Small Water System Alternatives – Media and Membrane Filtration for Small Communities and Households
Presenters: Michael Finn, EPA-OW and Craig Patterson, EPA-ORD
February 24, 2015 Innovative Biological Treatment for Small Water Systems: Ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates
Presenters: Darren Lytle, EPA-ORD and Michael Muse, EPA-OW
January 27, 2015 Research and Implementation of Arsenic Removal Technologies at Small Community Water Systems
Presenters: Jamie Harris, EPA-OW and Thomas Sorg, EPA-ORD

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