Well Construction and Licensing

The licensing of well contractors and technicians promotes and supports enforcement of safe environmental practices to maintain the health of Ontario’s groundwater resources. You will need a well technician license or employ a person with a well technician license to construct, maintain, repair or upgrade a well.

This collection of resources was assembled for well contractors, technicians and anyone interested in learning the rules for constructing, maintaining or making repairs to a water well.

Rules for the person who is constructing a new water supply well.

You can also find the full set of requirements for well construction and licensing at:

Find a Contractor

Licensing & Records

Technical Bulletins for Ontario’s Wells Regulation

Well Technician Training

  • Fleming College – Ontario Well Technician training courses at Fleming College including courses to obtain your license and courses to maintain your license.
  • Lusk Geo Inc. –  Provides training in groundwater, water wells, geothermal systems and Well Technician Licensing.


  • Ontario Ground Water Association – a not for profit association consisting of professional members who are involved in the ground water industry in Ontario. They include — Well Drillers, Environmental/Geotechnical Drillers, Pump Installers, Manufacturers and Suppliers, as well as Scientists and Engineers.  Included are the company owners as well as their employees.
  • Canadian Water Quality Association – representing the Canadian water quality improvement industry.
  • Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association – representing the onsite and decentralized wastewater industry in Ontario, including educators, regulators, engineers, contractors, manufacturers, suppliers, service providers, and other parties.
  • Hydrogeologists Without Borders – a Canadian non-profit organization and registered charity, based in Calgary.
  • Canadian National Ground Water Association – a Canadian non-profit consisting of members of the ground water industry across Canada.
  • Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (PGO) – governs the practice of professional geoscience in Ontario.
  • Professional Engineers of Ontario – the licensing and regulating body for engineering in the province.

Water Testing

  • Well Wise Water Testing Program– administered by the Ontario Ground Water Association. This program provides cost effective water testing for things other than bacteria in your water.  Metals, minerals, salts, fuels, solvents, fluoride, mercury, sulfate, tannin/lignin, pesticides/herbicides, and glyphosates. Test bottles are shipped to you with return freight included.  Not for Profit water testing.
  • Public Health Unit (PHU) Testing – Find your local PHU for information on free well water testing for E. Coli and Coliform bacteria. Check your water spring, summer, and fall.
  • List of Licensed Laboratories in Ontario – This is a list of laboratories licensed to perform drinking water tests in Ontario. Prior to submitting samples please contact the licensed laboratory for pricing .
  • Testing Well Water – An instructional video on how to take an accurate sample of your well water for E. Coli and Coliform bacteria testing.

Visit our online library’s main webpage to find more resources on topics related to drinking water.

Photo from Luskgeo.com

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