WCWC will be hosting a number special training sessions and be represented at key conferences this spring. Lissa Irwin, Training Support Representative, tells us more about five of the upcoming events:
- March 2–4, 2020: Ontario Water Works Equipment Association Exchange, Windsor. The OWWEA Exchange aims to bring municipal end-users and equipment/service providers in the water and wastewater industry together under one roof for this exciting event. There will be 80 exhibitors, Continuing Education Unit (CEU) and on-the-job accredited water and wastewater training courses, new technology presentations and networking opportunities to connect with water and wastewater professionals.
- March 25, 2020: WCWC Small Systems Hands-On Workshop, Peterborough. WCWC is pleased to be hosting our Small Systems Hands-on Workshop geared especially to the owners and operators of small systems defined under Ontario Regulation 170/03 and Ontario Regulation 319/08. This workshop can be used to maintain a “Trained Person” designation as defined under Ontario Regulation 170/03 or receive CEUs for Limited System operators. Participants will rotate sessions throughout the day, earning 0.6 CEUs.
- April 1–2, 2020: Provincial Workshop: Drinking Water Quality Management Standard, Barrie.
- April 15–16, 2020: Provincial Workshop: Drinking Water Quality Management Standard, Thunder Bay. For the ninth year, WCWC is pleased to host the provincial workshops to continue to support QMS representatives, utility managers, supervisors and staff in their role in the Drinking Water Quality Management Standard (DWQMS). Participants will rotate through breakout sessions over these two-day workshops. Each breakout session will be facilitated by an industry expert and will be highly interactive.
- May 4–6, 2020: Ontario’s Water Conference & Trade Show, Niagara Falls. Ontario’s Water Conference & Trade Show consistently attracts over 1,000 delegates from all areas of our industry: operators and owners, manufacturers and suppliers, consultants, academics and regulators. The exhibition has more than 100 exhibitors representing the manufacturers and suppliers of products and services to the water industry. This is a great opportunity to network, and stay informed about technical, regulatory, and equipment developments in the industry. The conference offers a total of eight hours of CEUs for operators. WCWC is proud to be a platinum sponsor.
For more information about WCWC, please visit wcwc.ca, contact us at 866-515-0550 or inquiry@wcwc.ca, or meet Lissa at booth 323 at the Ontario Water Works Equipment Association Exchange.