Since 2007, the Walkerton Clean Water Centre (WCWC) has conducted pilot tests to help drinking water professionals better understand source water characteristics, treatment process performance and alternative treatment options. WCWC recently followed up with a former pilot testing client to learn about their progress since the project was completed.
When the maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) of arsenic in Ontario drinking water was lowered from 25 μg/L to 10 μg/L in January 2018, the Town of Shelburne, Ontario was faced with a challenge. Naturally occurring arsenic levels in Well 3 were hovering around the new MAC, with some samples exceeding the limit. Because Well 3 supplies approximately 13 per cent of the town’s total water supply, decommissioning it permanently was not feasible as the town would not be able to meet forecasted water demand. The town reached out to WCWC to explore options to address arsenic in the groundwater supply.
WCWC conducted bench-scale jar tests and pilot-scale experiments to compare adsorptive media and cartridge filters. The pilot project had excellent results showing 95–98 per cent reduction in arsenic levels with the use of adsorptive media.
WCWC shares pilot project results with each client and discusses the results with the drinking water professionals who may use the information to support decision-making or in discussions with engineering consultants. The town used the results of the pilot project in the detailed design for the Well 3 upgrade project. Currently, the town is reviewing submissions for the construction that they hope will begin later this year, with completion in 2024.
WCWC would like to congratulate the staff at the town for their dedication to maintaining safe drinking water for their community.
WCWC has years of pilot testing experience in areas such as natural organic matter removal, disinfection by-product control, iron and manganese treatment and coagulant optimization. To learn more about WCWC’s pilot testing services, please visit or contact us at 866-515-0550. You can also access full project reports through WCWC’s Drinking Water Resource Library at