WCWC is pleased to provide training for newly elected officials across Ontario. Responsibilities Under the Statutory Standard of Care — Safe Drinking Water Act is a three-hour course for mayors, councillors and municipal officials with oversight responsibility for drinking water treatment or distribution systems.
The course will help prepare municipal officials by providing information about drinking water systems, the risks associated with drinking water production and distribution and the multi-barrier approach to drinking water. It will inform participants of their responsibilities under Section 19 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002. Severe penalties are possible for municipal officials who fail to act in good faith and do not exercise honesty, competence and integrity to ensure the protection and safety of the users of municipal drinking water systems. Examples of waterborne disease outbreaks will be examined, which highlight the importance of competent oversight. Participants will also learn about additional training that is available.
WCWC encourages newly elected municipal officials to learn about the statutory standard of care and their role in maintaining safe drinking water. Training is available in English and French through live virtual instruction, classroom sessions across Ontario, or at your location, upon request. New this year, the course is also available on-demand at wcwc.ca/training/course-schedule/.
For more information, or to register, please visit wcwc.ca/training/course-schedule/ or contact us at 866-515-0550 or training@wcwc.ca.