The Walkerton Clean Water Centre (WCWC) is pleased to release its 2023–24 annual report, available online at wcwc.ca/en/about/governance-documents/.

2023–24 was another successful year for WCWC. WCWC developed and delivered a range of high-quality mandatory and specialized training to nearly 7,500 participants through a variety of classroom, correspondence, e-learning and live virtual formats, including the new Mandatory Certificate Renewal Course (2024-26), launched in January 2024. Seven new live virtual and e-learning courses were also introduced to improve the affordability, flexibility, and accessibility of training.

WCWC also continued to support First Nations communities in their efforts to improve drinking water through the courses Entry-Level Course for Drinking Water Operators for First Nations and Managing Drinking Water Systems in First Nations Communities. Eighteen specialized course sessions were also delivered to provide the specific information and skills needed to help optimize drinking water systems in First Nations communities.

WCWC’s Technology Demonstration Facility served as a platform for pilot testing services. Through pilot projects, the Centre provided information on source water quality, treatment performance and alternative treatment technologies for vulnerable water systems. Eleven pilot projects were completed to help clients address their site-specific challenges and three more were underway at the end of the fiscal year. Technical tours were provided to 355 course participants, postsecondary and high school students to educate about the equipment and operational requirements necessary to ensure that drinking water is safe.

As part of the Centre’s enhanced focus on client engagement, research was undertaken to examine needs and gaps in provincial services to support drinking water operations in First Nations communities. The Centre also began investigating wastewater training needs, gaps and preferences for operators and managers in Ontario. This work will help ensure that programs effectively meet clients’ needs.

For more information about WCWC, please visit wcwc.ca or contact us at 866-515-0550 or inquiry@wcwc.ca.