Walkerton Clean Water Centre Welcomes New Trainers and Curriculum Developers

WCWC staff and the Honourable Dennis O’Connor welcome contract trainers and curriculum developers to WCWC
WCWC staff and the Honourable Dennis O’Connor welcome contract trainers and curriculum developers to WCWC

As a result of agreements recently signed, the Walkerton Clean Water Centre (WCWC) is excited to welcome the roster of 40 contract trainers and curriculum developers, some new and some returning, to the team.

The Honourable Dennis O’Connor,pictured with WCWC CEO Brian Bates
The Honourable Dennis O’Connor,
pictured with WCWC CEO Brian Bates

On November 8, 2022, WCWC hosted 29 trainers and curriculum developers at its facility in Walkerton, Ontario, for a day of learning about best practices in adult education, developments in training delivery methods and what’s new in the water industry.

These industry professionals are eager to share their knowledge in support of water system operators and were encouraged by a message from the Honourable Dennis O’Connor, Commissioner of the Walkerton Inquiry, who attended the event,

“It is very impressive to see the excellent work WCWC does in training those who ensure our drinking water systems in Ontario are safe. Congratulations on the next round of training for instructors and curriculum developers.”

WCWC trainers and curriculum developers bring expertise from a variety of roles and have experience as professional engineers, certified engineering technologists, water treatment and distribution operators, public health inspectors, well technicians and plumbers. These diverse talents will help ensure that WCWC can continue to provide training of the highest quality to water professionals across Ontario.

For more information about WCWC, please visit wcwc.ca or contact us at 866-515-0550 or inquiry@wcwc.ca.