Small Drinking Water Systems Zone
The Walkerton Clean Water Centre is committed to supporting the owners and operators of Ontario’s small systems.

Learn more about the requirements to become a “Trained Person” for certain types of drinking water systems.

Learn more about small drinking water systems that are regulated under Ontario Regulations 318/08 and 319/08 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act.

Visit our course pages for training courses for small drinking water system operators.
How We Help – Tools and Information

Training Needs
WCWC is the course administrator for the Ministry’s Operation of Small Drinking Water Systems course (OSDWS). Successful completion of this course qualifies the participant as a Trained Person under O. Reg. 170/03. In addition, this course is a requirement for persons wishing to obtain a Limited System Certificate under O. Reg. 128/04. For more information, read the guideline Become a Limited System Operator.
Small drinking water systems that are regulated under Ontario Regulation 319/08 are assessed by Public Health Inspectors (PHIs). The PHI will issue a directive outlining what the owner/operator of the system must do to keep the drinking water safe. The directive may include, but is not limited to, water testing requirements, treatment requirements and operator training.
WCWC offers a wide variety of courses related to treatment, distribution and compliance to assist small systems. For more information, visit our course schedule.
Contact the Ontario Water Wastewater Certification Office (OWWCO) for inquiries regarding operator licensing and renewals.
What Our Clients Say
Overall great course content. Trainers very knowledgeable!
Participant – WCWC Small Systems Hands-on Workshop
Technical and Information Needs
WCWC has developed technical and information resources to assist small water system owners/operators as they seek solutions. Visit the WCWC Drinking Water Resource Library to access this information.