Operation of Small Drinking Water Systems Course

Operation of Small Drinking Water Systems Course

In Ontario, legislation and regulations are important for protecting the safety of drinking water because they outline who is responsible for each aspect of a drinking water system and their specific responsibilities.

Under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), Ontario Regulation 170/03, Drinking Water Systems, sets requirements for owners of the following drinking water system categories to ensure that all adjustments or operational checks of the drinking water system equipment are performed by “trained persons”:

  • Small non-municipal non-residential systems serving a designated facility
  • Small municipal non-residential systems serving a designated facility
  • Non-municipal seasonal residential systems serving a designated facility

The Walkerton Clean Water Centre is the course administrator for the Ministry’s Operation of Small Drinking Water Systems Course.

The main purpose of the course is to help the trained person understand the basic concepts related to the operation and maintenance of small drinking water systems. The information covered in this course refers to the most common techniques used in Ontario.

This course is offered as classroom, correspondence or online. Upon completion of the course, and if the participant is successful in passing the test, a Certificate of Completion is issued by the course administrator, which qualifies the participant as a “trained person” under O. Reg. 170/03 to operate, maintain, and take water samples from the above water systems. 

In addition, this course is a requirement for persons wishing to obtain a Limited System Certificate under O. Reg. 128/04, Certification of Drinking Water System Operators and Water Quality Analysts.

More information can be found on the Ministry’s guide for owners and operators of non-municipal year-round residential drinking water systems.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Completion of the Operation of Small Drinking Water Systems Course