WCWC Enhancing Safety For Training Participants and Instructors

WCWC has resumed in-person classroom training with a new COVID-19 Training Session Protocol to enhance safety for participants and instructors. Stephanie Meades, Small Systems Specialist, talks more about the new self-screening, physical distancing and disinfection measures.

What does self-screening involve?

Participants will be required to complete a self-screening questionnaire prior to the training session. Self-screening will include questions regarding COVID-19 signs and symptoms, travel history and contact with individuals with respiratory illness or a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19. If a participant does not pass the self-screening, they cannot attend the training session.

What can I expect at the training session?

Each training session will begin with a presentation regarding health and safety related to COVID-19. The instructor will attempt to maintain physical distancing at all times, but if it cannot be met for hands-on activities, Personal protective equipment (PPE) will be required.

Is PPE provided?

WCWC will provide masks, protective eyewear and hand sanitizer for participants. If a participant refuses to wear PPE when required, they will be asked to leave the training session.

Will there be any extra disinfection measures in place?

Facilities will be cleaned and sanitized before and after the training session. Signs will be posted to ensure policies and procedures related to COVID-19 are communicated to all participants.

How many participants will be in each training session?

The number of participants will be restricted according to the size of the room to respect physical distancing requirements. If unregistered participants arrive, they will not be allowed to enter the training session.

A variety of training sessions across Ontario are now open for registration. For further information, or to register for any of WCWC’s upcoming training sessions, please visit wcwc.ca/training/course-schedule/ or contact us at 866-515-0550 or training@wcwc.ca.