Customer Service Policy

Customer Service Policy

Introduction and Purpose

The Walkerton Clean Water Centre (the Centre) is committed to customer service excellence as we work to provide system owners, operators, and operating authorities the education, information, and advice they need to provide clean, safe drinking water. The Centre welcomes and appreciates feedback from all clients and the general public concerning provision of services and sharing of expertise, including those with accessibility needs.

This policy is available on the Centre’s website. It will also be provided to anyone requesting information on the Centre’s customer service policy and practices. In accordance with the Centre’s Accessibility Policy, this document will be provided in an accessible format upon request. Information about the availability of this documentation is posted at the Centre for the public.


This policy applies to all Centre employees, Board members, contractors, visitors, and the public.

Information about the Centre’s commitment to providing services to persons with disabilities may be found in the Accessibility Policy which is available on the Centre’s website or upon request.


Accessible: A service that can be easily reached or obtained; a facility that can be easily entered; information that can be easily accessed; posing no obstacles to persons with disabilities.

Accessibility: A general term which is used to describe the degree of ease that something (e.g., device, service, and environment) can be used and enjoyed by persons with a disability. The term implies conscious planning, design and/or effort to ensure it is barrier-free to persons with a disability, and by extension, useable and practical for the general population as well.

Accessible formats: As defined per the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation, may include, but are not limited to, large print, recorded audio and electronic formats, and other formats usable by persons with disabilities.

Customer: The direct user or recipient (sometimes involuntary recipient) of a service.

Customer Service Policy

Feedback Process – The Centre values all comments, suggestions, and inquiries as we plan and make future improvements to our customer service practices. The public can provide feedback by any of the following means/formats:

NOTE: please indicate if you would like a reply to your feedback and if so, include your name and the best method to contact you (e.g., email address or mailing address).

  • Email: (Please indicate “FEEDBACK” in subject line)
  • In person: 20 Ontario Road, Walkerton, ON N0G 2V0
  • Telephone: 1-866-515-0550
  • Bell Relay Service: 1-800-267-6511 (for people with hearing and/or speech disabilities)
  • Fax: 519-881-4947 indicate “FEEDBACK” on fax cover sheet
  • Mail: Address as “FEEDBACK Walkerton Clean Water Centre”, P.O. Box 160, 20 Ontario Road, Walkerton ON N0G 2V0

If additional accommodation is required, please contact the Centre.

Feedback is reviewed monthly by the WCWC management team to help with business planning and customer service improvements.

Response – If required, feedback will be directed to the appropriate Centre staff for response. Customers can expect to hear back within two to fifteen business days. Every effort will be made to provide a response, if required, in a format that is accessible to the person who provided the comments.

Complaints – If feedback is determined to be a complaint, the Centre will acknowledge receipt of the complaint, as long as contact information has been provided, according to the OPS Common Service Standards as outlined in the following:

If a complaint is received in-person or by telephone – Step 1 – Complaint will be acknowledged within 2 business days. Step 2 – If the complaint is not resolved as committed to in the initial acknowledgement, a follow-up reply will be provided.

If a complaint is received by email or other online connection – Step 1 – Complaint will be acknowledged within 2 business days and answered within 15 business days. Step 2 – If a conclusive response is not possible, an interim response along with an estimated date for a complete response will be provided within 15 business days.

If a complaint is received by mail or fax – Step 1 – Complaint will be answered within 15 business days. Step 2 – If a conclusive response is not possible within this timeframe, an interim response along with an estimated date for a complete response will be provided within 15 business days.


When a complaint is received, a record will be made of the details and the information will be immediately forwarded to the appropriate individual for action.

If the complaint can be resolved immediately, the Centre’s acknowledgement will describe the action taken to resolve the complaint. If the complaint cannot be resolved within the above time limits, the Centre’s acknowledgement will include information about the steps being taken regarding the complaint, and where appropriate, whether a further response will be provided about action taken by the Centre to resolve the complaint.

The steps being taken regarding the complaint could include:

  • The issue is being redirected to another organization who is directly responsible for taking action on this issue.
  • The issue is being discussed and explored with another organization to determine if and how the Centre can resolve the complaint.
  • The issue is being tracked by the Centre to determine if the problem is systemic as opposed to an isolated incident.
  • The issue will be considered in the future when the program is undergoing a periodic review.

This does not lessen any obligation for taking immediate action to resolve a complaint.

Where possible, the Centre’s follow-up communication (e.g., acknowledgement, response) will be in the same format as the complaint received, unless another format has been requested.

Confidentiality of Personal Information – The Centre is authorized by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Accessibility of Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (and Ontario Regulation 429/07 approved under the Act) to collect feedback on the manner in which it provides its services. The Centre collects this information to assess the performance of services provided. Some of the collected information includes personal information about those giving feedback.

The Centre will use personal information to:

  • log feedback
  • acknowledge and respond to complaints
  • analyze feedback at the aggregate level (but not the individual who provided the feedback)

The Centre will not use personal information for purposes other than those listed when collected. You will not be placed on any mailing lists, nor will your information be released to any third party, except as may be authorized by law. If you have any questions regarding privacy and your personal information, please contact: Executive Coordinator, Walkerton Clean Water Centre, at 1-866-515-0550.


The CEO will:

  • Support and lead the Centre’s efforts to provide excellent customer service.
  • Ensure directors/managers demonstrate commitment to providing excellent customer service.
  • Ensure any feedback received is reviewed monthly by the management team.
  • Report to the Board and overseeing ministry, as required, on feedback received by the Centre and the Centre’s follow up actions.

Directors/Managers will:

  • Ensure staff are aware of and following all policies and processes pertaining to customer service provided by the Centre.
  • Ensure compliance with this policy and related regulations within their department.
  • Ensure any feedback received is reviewed on a monthly basis.
  • Seek clarification on matters pertaining to the Centre’s customer service policy, practices, and objectives.

Employees (including management) will:

  • Be aware of the Centre’s commitment to providing excellent customer service and meet these objectives in their daily work.
  • Ensure that excellent customer service is provided to all customers in accordance with this policy and related procedures including receiving and responding to feedback.
  • Review all Centre policies pertaining to customer service as required.